Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Wednesday, January 5, 2005

I woke up feeling like my skull was exploding because there's so much I want to do and so little time. But I feel like I'm finally becoming my true self. I wish it hadn't taken so long.

I want to explain this because I think the tendency to hold back is fairly common in most people and if we could let go of the chains that bind us, break out of our self-imposed prisons, the change would be so profound it would be like evolving into a new species.

I have thought a lot about this. What form might a new species of humans take? I don't necessarily mean what physical form because we might stay very much the same. You might not even detect it on a physical level. I've read that if you could take Homo sapiens neanderthal and dress him up as a modern-day man, you wouldn't know the difference. So how would we know that we had evolved into a new species? Maybe the brain might indicate some change, but species are delineated based on the ability to produce viable off-spring. That can be affected by genetics or by behavior. In other words, if two species can produce viable off-spring genetically, but would never do so in the wild due to differences in behavior, then they are considered separate species.

So a new human species might look much the same, but it's behavior might be very different. I think that if there is any change on the physical level, it will be in the brain -- perhaps a higher-functioning brain with a thicker, more intricate cortex.

This is an idea I've been exploring for years. I came up with a name for this new species. I call them Gaia sapiens. "Gaia" meaning Earth and "sapiens" meaning "conscious." Conscious Earth.

"But we're not Earth," you might say. Ah, but that's the whole point. That's what will make this species so different from Homo sapiens. Gaia sapiens will understand it intuitively and say, "I AM EARTH. I AM THE PLANET EARTH." These people will not see themselves as separate from the Earth.

What does that mean, exactly? Well, it's like this: Imagine your hand constantly thinking, "I am not this body. I am the hand. I don't need that dirty body. I'm going to do everything in my power to separate myself from that dirty body." So for thousands of years, your hand does everything in its power to separate itself from your body. Finally, it even begins to poison the body. It cuts deep gashes into the body and strips it of vital nutrients. It's killing the body. The body grows weaker, withered, less able to provide for the hand. One finger begins to wither and fall off, then another, then another, until there is only one withered finger left wondering, Why did I do everything it could to kill my own self?

Even if you understand the analogy I'm making, you might still ask, "Well, if we are the Earth, then does that mean we are no longer human?" Absolutely not. Just like in the body, the hand is still the hand, the brain is still the brain; each part down to the smallest sub-atomic particle plays its part in the whole. But the brain doesn't need to separate itself from the body in order to be the best brain it can possibly be. In fact, if you cut the brain out of the body and set it on a table, it will be completely useless. Your brain will function at its highest capacity if you see it as an integral part of your whole body (including the Earth body).

I know this well from experience because I have very sensitive brain chemistry. If I don’t take care of my body (poor diet, no exercise, consume poisons like alcohol and cigarettes, put myself under a lot of stress), my ability to function will quickly fall to zero. I become depressed and my brain literally can’t even think. So I’ve learned to take care of my body.

I make sure I eat a healthy diet, take nutritional supplements, get exercise, fresh air, and sunshine every day. I avoid putting poisons into my body. I try to keep the level of stress in my life as low as possible, though when I’m at my healthiest, I’m practically unstoppable.

But I can also see how the environment affects me. I NEED to be surrounded by the beauty and the life-force of nature. I can literally feel it, feel my being mixing with the life-force of the Earth. When the air is polluted, I know it. I’m sensitive to it like a canary in a mine shaft.

Well, I’m sure I’ve made my point. Whether or not others choose to agree is another issue. What I’m attempting to do with this website I’ve created is to reach into the air surrounding my skull (it feels like that’s where my mind is hovering) pull the ideas down and put them into a form such that others can see them. But there’s a lot there and it takes time. I’ve barely even begun to scratch the surface.

At some point, I’ll need to index the website and set up search capability within the website. I guess that tells me what I need to work on today.


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