Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Well, it's Tuesday morning. I should be getting ready for work (at the law firm), but I'm exhausted. I need more sleep. I don't feel like getting ready for work, but I'm afraid to let myself go back to sleep. So I'm writing in my journal since it's been a while.

On Sunday, Ken and I went to a photographers' meeting. It's a group called Denver of Iniquity. They have a website at www.DenverofIniquity.com. We decided that we're going to focus on selling prints and posters of my paintings and his photography. We'll sell on-line through www.BohemianArtStudio.com. I also need to get us signed up to sell at the Ball Park Flea Market this spring. Of course, we have no idea how successful we'll be in this venture, but we have to start somewhere.

I need to get the website set up for ecommerce. We'll be getting together this evening to work on formatting the pages and take some pictures.

Other than that, I'm still working on writing essays and reviews for the website. I'm currently reading Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism by Murray Bookchin. So hopefully I'll have something to post on that soon.

Well, friends, I think that's about it. I guess it's time for me to face the cold harsh reality that I must soon be outside in the chill gray Denver winter, walking to the posh corporate law firm where I will spend the next eight hours killing trees and poisoning the Earth so that I can pay the rent and feed myself.

Note: I should acknowledge that I do appreciate my employer. There are many good people working at the law firm. It's just that things are out of balance in this world and we need to get them back into balance by making the needs of other living beings a higher priority.


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